Cantatas and Chamber Music Series

May 19
Brahm’s Liebeslieder Walzes
Soloists of The Gallery Choir, Jeffrey DeVault, Piano & Organ and Mark Livshits, Piano
February 3
Variant 6 with Jessica Beebe and Rebecca Myers, sopranos, presented Haute Voix, music from the 17th and 18th centuries.
October 1
David Kim and Friends concert. Click HERE to watch a video of the performance.
March 19
Dona Nobis Pacem by Ralph Vaughan Williams
PCCH Gallery Choir and the Drexel University Chorus with orchestra
October 3
Soloists of the Gallery Choir performed Orlando di Lasso’s Missa Osculetur Me for double choir, a parody mass based on his luscious motet of the same name with text from the Song of Songs. Also featured were works by Josquin and Ockeghem on the themes of love and loss.
April 2
A special Cantatas and Chamber Virtual Performance featuring Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu Nostri. This breathtaking piece, often called the first Lutheran Oratorio, addresses parts of Christ’s body on the cross in 7 movements: To the feet, knees, hands, sides, breast, heart and face.
February 5
Katy Avery and Thann Scoggin presented a recital of baroque and modern vocal masterworks which are thematically relevant to our current times.
January 15
Click here to view An Evening of French and American Art Song with Laura Ward, piano and Rebecca Myers, soprano.
May 3
Click here to view the performance featuring music of Samuel Barber and Dieterich Buxtehude.
June 19
Click here to view the PCCH Gallery Choir perform some of their favorite pieces from the 2015 Spring Concert, including Thomas Juneau’s beautiful set of Latin motets.
June 12
Click here to view the PCCH Gallery Choir’s 2016 Spring Concert featuring music of Rachmaninoff, Pärt, Mealor, and To the Hands by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Caroline Shaw.”
June 5
Click here to view the Franklin Trio (made up of Philadelphia Orchestra musicians Kimberly Fisher, violin; John Koen, cello; and Mark Livshits, piano) performing Brahms’ Piano Trio no. 1 in B major.
May 29
Click here to view a recital by the PCCH Gallery Choir soloist Katy Avery singing works by Schumann, Boulanger and Philadelphia composer John Conahan, with pianists John Conahan and Ken Lovett.
May 22
Click here to view a 2015 performance of Bach’s Magnificat by the PCCH Gallery Choir, Soloists, and Orchestra.
May 15
Click here to view the performance by PCCH Gallery Choir soprano soloist Julie Snyder, accompanied by PCCH organist Ken Lovett on piano. Julie’s set is entitled “Excerpts from Hjärtats sånger (Songs of the Heart), op. 27 – Music by Gunnar de Frumerie (1908-1987), text by Pär Lagerkvist (1891-1974)”.
May 8
Click here to view the performance featuring excerpts from Bach’s Magnificat and our performance of Mozart’s Requiem with the Prometheus Chamber Orchestra.