Community Resources
Thank you for visiting The Center on the Hill’s Community Resources page. There is a lot of information out there for older adults, but it is often hard to find. We are collecting information about those resources and posting them here for easy access.
For questions or more information please contact the Director, Mariangela Saavedra at 215-247-4654 or email msaavedra@chestnuthillpres.org anytime.
Planning to watch or join something live on Zoom? CLICK HERE to watch the How to Use Zoom Tutorial. This Basic Zoom Tutorial shows you how to join a Zoom Meeting/Event from your Computer, Tablet, Cell Phone or how to dial in from a Land Line.
Philadelphia Food Resources:
The City of Philadelphia has created THIS website to help people find food resources.
Germantown Avenue Crisis Ministry (215-843-2340/35 W. Chelten Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144) will be open every Thursday from 10 AM-12 PM to provide food to the community, including frozen meat, eggs, and canned goods.
Paying Bills/Rent/Preventing Eviction:
If you need assistance paying for utilities, groceries, medications, health insurance, and more you can get assistance through BenePhilly. Click HERE to view how to apply or contact 833-373-5868 for more information.
Water bills have risen exponentially over the past decade. The Tiered Assistance (TAP) program may be a resource to help clear outstanding water debts. Information about options to assist with your water bill can be found HERE
Legal Aid is open and taking calls through the Philly Tenant Hotline 267-443-2500. While staff members are working from home, tenants seeking information can call to speak to a housing counselor at TURN or be connected to agencies providing legal advice and representation, including Legal Clinic for the Disabled, SeniorLAW Center, AIDS Law Project and Community Legal Services.
Aging Services:
Online Guide to Senior Care and Wellness – Click HERE
Looking for an In-Home Physician? Click HERE for information about Insight Home Physicians.
Find out more about Preventative Health Tests and Screenings covered by Medicare. Click HERE
Moving into a new home? Check out this great step by step Moving Guide. Click HERE
The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging has many resources and serviced for Older Adults. Click HERE
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging has an online resource guide for older adults too. Click HERE.
Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living provides a variety of services to people with any type of disability. Click HERE for a list of their programs, and resources. Click HERE for information about their Free Special Phone Program for seniors in need.
Information about Senior Housing at NewCortland’s Germantown Home. Click HERE
Memory Care Resources for families and caregivers. Click HERE
Reporting Nursing Home Elder Abuse Click HERE
A Resource Guide from Visiting Angels of Jenkintown, for identifying if your loved one needs assistance at home. Click HERE
Resources for Caregivers:
Philly Care Coaching: Occupational Therapy for those caring for someone with Dementia. Click HERE
Boomers R Heroes has resources and instructional support videos for Caregivers on their YouTube Channel HERE.
CLICK HERE to view this guide for families navigating the process of bringing a loved one home to care for them.
Caregiver Support for people who are caring for a loved one with Mesothelioma. Click HERE
PayingForSeniorCare.com has information about Assisted Living Options in Philadelphia (Click HERE) as well as Long Term Care Resources (Click HERE) Additional resources can also be found by Clicking HERE.
Mental Health:
FREE, Confidential Support and Counseling – CLICK HERE for more information and how to book an appointment.
Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Resources: CLICK HERE
The state has launched a new toll-free phone line to provide 24/7 support to people who may be struggling emotionally: 1-855-284-2494.
Training and Enrichment:
We at The Center on the Hill, are offering diverse in- person and online programming you can find out more about on our web page here.
AARP is offering Safe Driver Classes ONLINE HERE.
Physical Health/Insurance:
Understanding the eligibility requirements to apply Medicaid Long Term Care in Pennsylvania. Click HERE
If you need assistance with Medicare our counselor Joan Adler can be reached at 215-844-0439. Leave her a message and she will call you back to set up a phone appointment to discuss your needs.
Resource Guide for Seniors seeking affordable health insurance options. Click HERE
Per the Office of Long-Term Living, spouses, legal guardians, and persons holding POA can now serve as paid direct-care workers for care recipients when scheduled workers are not available due to COVID-19. More information can be found on the Pennsylvania Health Law Project’s website HERE.
Information about Asbestos and Mesothelioma. Click HERE
Staying Connected:
Community Legal Services has put together a comprehensive guide to accessing free and low-cost internet access, public wi-fi, and laptops/devices. There are a number of incentives that make this a good time to get connected. Information can be found on this flyer (Click HERE), and more detail can also be found online here.
The LIFELINE Program has released updated information CLICK HERE about its phone discount options for eligible lower-income customers. **Please note that LIFELINE may be applied to a landline or wireless phone, but not both.
Pet Owners:
This is a resource guide for services you might need as a pet owner. Click HERE
Voting, ID, and Tax Info:
Senator Haywood’s office has compiled this printable resource guide you can download HERE, as well as many self-service online resources you can access on his website here.
Legal Assistance:
Free Legal Housing Assistance. Click HERE for more information.
Senior Law Center has resources and legal services for older adults. Click HERE or call 215-988-1242 or visit www.seniorlawcenter.org
Legal Assistance for Elder Abuse Click HERE
Social Security:
The latest Social Security press release is HERE, and it includes updates about benefits and hours when SSA is available by phone.
The Philadelphia Office of Veteran Affairs is able to help veterans apply for Veterans Temporary Assistance (VTA) grants.