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Connect with the Center on the Hill

Please visit our PROGRAMS Page (Click HERE) to see the latest digital content keep you active and engaged. Our Facebook page (Click HERE) is also very active as is our YouTube channel (Click HERE) . Visit often for updated links and and to stay in touch with us!

Find helpful resources on our web page HERE . Updated regularly with important information and resource links you may need.

If you would like to be added to our mailing and/or e-mail list, please call Mariangela Saavedra, Director, Center on the Hill, 215.247.4654, or e-mail Mariangela at

CLICK HERE to view our online calendar!

CLICK HERE to view and download your copy of the SPRING 2025 NEWSLETTER “At the Center of Things” today!

Support the Center on the Hill

Dear Friends,

The Center on the Hill is thrilled to be in its 15th year serving our community of active adults!  It remains important that people feel safe in our spaces. So we are maintaining group size limits and strict sanitation practices, as well sharing things you can access online and participate in from home. This will continue as we encourage our community to stay active and stay well. We are also continuing to keep participation costs for classes and events minimal, and even free, whenever possible.

Can you to help make it possible for us to continue offering our excellent programming at little or no cost to our participants, while developing new and engaging activities? If you have enjoyed The Center on the Hill, and our classes and events, please consider supporting us by making a donation today.

Any amount you can give will help us with some of the ever increasing programming costs, and ensure we can continue to offer the excellent programs and activities you have come to expect.

To donate by Credit Card please follow the secure PayPal link below.
(You do not need to have or create a PayPal account) 

To donate by check please make checks payable to “PCCH” , write “COTH Donation” on the Memo Line, and mail them to: The Center on the Hill, 8855 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118

Thank you very much for your consideration and support.

With gratitude,

Mariangela Saavedra, Director

What People are Saying about Center on the Hill

“I just wanted to say thank you to you and all the people involved in your weekly posting. What a wonderful place the Center on the Hill is and what wonderful people are associated with it!. I live in the Northeast and have been a bit under par this year so I haven’t gotten up to CH much. I do miss it.”  – I. N.

“This is great! I’m enjoying the videos and are suggesting them to others who have not been to the Center.” – B. R. 

“I eagerly read about the good work you’ve created with online activities, etc., at The Center on the Hill, in the Chestnut Hill Local.  I knew the Coronavirus epidemic & closure of the Center could not/would not stop you from continuing to reach out to those that need and want to stay active.  Kudos to you!  Thanks! ” – M. K. 

“I just wanted to tell you what a great job you’re doing with all the resources and activities offered online. You’ve really made it fun, upbeat, and energizing! Thank you!” – R. A.