Class & Event Registration
Inclement Weather: If you are not sure if the Center is open due to inclement weather please call 215-247-4654. A Message will be left on the Center Voicemail at 8:30am that day if we are closed. (If you get the regular Center message then the Center is open).
CLICK HERE to Register Online for a class or event, or Contact 215-247-4654 or email: msaavedra@chestnuthillpres.org to register.
We currently do not take online payments for any classes or events.
Please plan to pay in person when you attend your activity, or mail in payment. We accept Cash and Checks only. Please make check’s payable to PCCH, and put the class/event name on the memo line.
If you wish to Mail payment for a class or special event, please be sure the check is made out to “PCCH” and send it to: Center on the Hill, 8855 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118
Class Payments are due on or before the first class you plan to attend.
Please be sure to REGISTER before you mail in your payment for a class or special event, by CLICKING HERE or contacting Mariangela at 215-247-4654 or msaavedra@chestnuthillpres.org
Thank you!