Infants and Toddlers

Child care is offered every Sunday morning in the nursery on the first floor of the Strouse Building for children from birth through age 3. Children who are 3 are encouraged to attend Sunday School at their parents’ discretion. Child care is provided by two experienced, background-checked adults.  Children are generally dropped off in the nursery and child care rooms before the Worship Service, beginning at 9:45. Child care is occasionally offered for other special events as needed. New children are always welcome!

May I bring my baby or toddler to the worship service?
Your baby or toddler is welcome in the sanctuary during the worship service. Babies often love the sights and sounds of the sanctuary, particularly the music. Worship is first a blessing to God, who values the presence and praise of children. If, however, your child is feeling restless and you are unable to remain in your pew for the entire service, you are welcome to retreat to the narthex at the back of the sanctuary or outside, if nice weather. You are welcome to bring your child to the nursery or the child care room at any time during the service and are always welcome to spend time with your child in their care room, where you will find age-appropriate toys and other parents and children.

Where can I change my baby?
Changing tables are available in the nursery and in both 1st floor restrooms.