Here at PCCH we offer an exciting Ministry for youth, which seeks to promote Christian living while having fun in the process! Our focus is simple: build relationships with and between each other, using the strength of our bonds to give back to the community. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kate McGill Magid, our Director for Youth Ministries, at kmcgillmagid@chestnuthillpres.org
- Middle School Fellowship meets every Sunday evening, from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm in the new youth space in the Strouse Building.
- High School Fellowship meets every Sunday evening, from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the new youth space in the Strause Building.
- We eat dinners together, talk about prominent issues, engage in alternative worship and play lots of games.
- Our youth are devoted to service, both within the local community and the world at large.
- Youth have volunteered at Habitat for Humanity; NPIHN; Friends of the Wissahickon; Overbrook School for the Blind; Our Brother’s Place; and the AGAPE soup kitchen of Elizabeth, NJ.
- Every Summer we go on a week-long Mission Trip! In the past we’ve gone to Belize, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Montana.
- Our youth group travels each year for mission work.
- Photos are available on our Church in Action page.
- Confirmation typically begins in October and ends in May.
- We are committed to a progressive form of educational ministry, and encourage our youth to invest in a personal claim over their faith.
- Youth are taught to reconcile their faith against the challenges of our post-modern, realistic 21st century, which means we ask the tough questions, of Scripture and of God.