Keeping the Faith
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
II Timothy 4:7
Spring 2017
With each renovation of our church home, we have welcomed people seeking a community that values openness and inquiry, beauty and grace, justice and self-giving love. The building renovations undertaken over the last two decades have transformed our congregation and established this church as a thoughtful and vibrant community of faith, a patron of the arts, a center for community life and a people committed to working in the world for the common good.
When the church’s boiler breathed its last, the congregation: (1) voted to use the capital pledges already made in the spring of 2013 to cover the cost of a new boiler; and (2) instructed the session to undertake another capital campaign to replace the funds and complete the projects proposed in the Strengthen Our Foundation/Transform Our Future campaign. Judging that the economic climate is finally right for a campaign, the session proposes that a goal of $600,000 be set and added to any carryover from the previous campaign in order to complete the transformation begun in 2013.
- Renewing the kitchen to be a place where the preparation of meals becomes an occasion for fellowship not only for our members but also for the many community groups that have come to call our church their home.
- Renovating our entrances to be more hospitable and accessible entry points for the stranger, better reflecting the welcoming nature of this congregation.
- Adding a handicapped restroom next to the main office.
- Finishing the lower level hallway with drywall, a dropped ceiling, and new lighting.
- Addressing the signage inside the church and around the church ground.
- Upgrading our pianos with seed money for a historic reconditioned Steinway in the sanctuary, moving the sanctuary piano to Cruikshank Chapel and the chapel piano to Widener Hall, thereby improving the instrument in each space.
- Installing energy efficient windows in the Strouse wing of the church and the behind Widener stage.
- Replacing the steeple roof.
Kitchen $99,700
Main Floor Bathroom $40,000
Downstairs Hall Drywall $21,000
Downstairs Entrances $101,500
Sanctuary Entrance $20,000
Sanctuary Piano $40,000
Signage (front and interior) $25,000
Strouse Windows/Backstage Windows $213,650
Steeple Roof Repair $10,000
Administrative Costs $29,150
Co-Chair’s Letter to the Congregation
Keeping the Faith Brochure
Naming Possibilities
Carrie Questions
Carrie Images
Keeping the Faith Thank You